Radio Show
Steve Rinehart explores issues of Utah history, culture, religion, politics, and economics. If you have shows and topics you would like Steve to consider investigating and airing, please contact him at the 'Contact' link above. Questions and comments are always welcome. Select shows below are listed in chronological order, and many contain information on the issues never before revealed or published. Many of these interviews are the last known public interviews of the interviewees before they passed away. To scroll the topics without the descriptions, return to the homepage and select a topic from the list of discussions in the top right. Not all shows are archived or recorded.
Date: 12/10/2018
Live radio interview from 2018 on sinking of RMS Lusitania with Gregg Bemis, owner of the salvage rights to the RMS Lusitania. The interview focuses on the minority historical view that there were probable British efforts to induce Germany into sinking the Lusitania to bring the United States into WWI on the side of Britain. Evidence of munitions/contraband being carried in her cargo holds is reviewed. Mr. Bemis shares personal observations on his numerous visits to the wreckage site and dealings with British, Irish and American authorities, including Mr. Bemis' belief the Lusitania was in fact carrying munitions which caused the second explosion that followed torpedo impact. Mr. Bemis summarizes difficult to analyze information and relays previously overlooked information about the sinking, including statements by Churchill evidencing or implying British complicity in the U-boat attack in 1915 (Churchill was First Lord of Admirality in WWI). Mr. Bemis reviews the logistical complications facing any maritime archaeological expedition to penetrate her hull. Interview conducted Saturday, November 3, 2018 on K-TALK AM 1640 (KTKK) in Salt Lake City, Utah by Steven Rinehart. Click HERE for the interview.
Date: 3/18/2006
We interview two leading anthropologists with differing views of Kennewick Man. First up is Dr. David Hurst Thomas, curator of the American Museum of Natural History in New York, and his book Skull Wars: Man, Archaeology and the Battle for Native American Identity. We discuss Kennewick Man, its impact on traditional theories about the settlement of the Americas, the Native American Grave Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), and briefly discuss several other issues related archaeological sites such as On Your Knees Cave in Alaska, Danger Cave in Wendover, Range Creek, Viking settlementments in Newfoundland, and the Bat Creek Inscription. Of note, Dr. Thomas is critical of the conclusions of Dr. James Chatters, the medical examiner and anthropologist who first examined the remains. In a corresponding interviews below, Dr. Chatters is also critical of the conclusions of Dr. Thomas as late as 2007.
Second up is Dr. James Chatters, the forensic anthropologist who was unearthed Kennewick Man and was the first scientist to examine him and who started the Kennewick Man controvery by announcing that Kennewick Man displayed caucasoid features. He is also the author of several books on Kennewick Man.
Click HERE to hear the interview with Dr. David Hurst Thomas. Buy Dr. Thomas's book here.
Click HERE to hear the interview with Dr. James Chatters. Buy Dr. James Chatters' book here.
Date: 5/1/2006
We interview U.S. Congressman Rob Bishop and explore the sensitive topic of immigration reform with Rep. Bishop and the effectiveness of state and federal laws regarding undocumented immigrants. Interview conducted on May 1, 2006, which was a national day of protest in the United States called, "A Day Without Immigrants." Congressman Bishop deals with a series of difficult callers and helps explain the statutory and constitutional law surrounding this important issue, including the Fourteenth Amendment, at a time when emotion was especially charged in 2006. He also chimes on what, at the time, was the nascent U.S. presidential campaign of Gov. Mitt Romney.
Click HERE to hear the interview with Representative Bishop.
D.B. COOPER - BYU Student?
Date: 2/4/2006
In 1971, the only unsolved skyjacking in U.S. History took place in the Pacific Northwest. A passenger by the name D.B. Cooper (or Dan Cooper), ransomed the passengers and crew of a Northwest Orient 727, and parachuted out the back of the plane with hundreds of thousands in ransom money, never to be found. Six months later, a BYU student named Richard Floyd McCoy did the same thing, and escaped with $500,000. The FBI had again had no leads, until McCoy was turned in by family and those he trusted. He was sentenced to 45 years for the second hijacking, and escaped from prision two years later, after which time he was again betrayed and turned in by those he trusted. He died in 1974 in shootout with the FBI. We interview the lead FBI agent investigating the case, plus two authors and a private investigator, in five separate shows on the subject. Special Agent Larry Carr is responsible for the FBI's dispatch posted on December 31, 2007, seeking information from the public. Both authors are former FBI agents involved in the case. Once believes McCoy was Cooper, the other believes he was not. Dan Dvorak is also interviewed below, a CPA from the Pacific Northwest, who has been investigating the skyjacking for years and who believes the FBI made some significant errors in their investigation. Please also find below an interview with Johnny Surles, a retired police office who arrested McCoy's accomplices.
NOTE: We tried to interview U.S. District Court Judge David Winder for the program, who defended Richard Floyd McCoy in the skyjacking trial before taking the bench. We posed this list of questions to him: HERE and got the response also shown. His health is declining in the sunset of an illustrious career. We would very much have liked to have gotten him on the historical record.
- Listen to the 2006 interview with Rusell Calame, former FBI agent and co-author of D.B. Cooper: The Real McCoy, by clicking HERE (streams quickly after short pause).
- Listen to the 2006 interview with Richard Tosaw, former FBI agent and author of D.B. Cooper: Dead or Alive?, by clicking HERE (streams quickly after short pause).
- Listen to the 2006 interview with Special Agent Larry Carr, who is currently leading the FBI's investigation of the case, by clicking HERE.
- We interviewed FBI Agent Nick O'Hara, the agent who killed McCoy, but have not put this show online. Please email us if you are interested in it.
- Listen to the 2006 interview with Dan Dvorak by clicking HERE (streams quickly after short pause).
- Listen to the 2006 interview with Johnny Surles by clicking HERE (streams quickly after short pause).
- Listen to Steven Rinehart's interview with Darren Schaefer HERE:
- SPECIAL THANKS: To the Washington State Historical Society for seeking a copyright license to use the above shows in an exhibit opening in 2013 on DB Cooper.
- Purchase D.B. Cooper: The Real McCoy on Amazon here,
- Purchase D.B. Cooper: Dead or Alive? on Amazon here.
JOSEPH SMITH: Dr. Richard Bushman on Rough Stone RollingDate: 12/24/2005 Interview with best-selling author and Columbia University Professor Richard Lyman Bushman the day after Joseph Smith's 200th birthday. His book, Joseph Smith: Rough Stone Rolling, is the best-selling biography of Joseph Smith ever penned. We ask him hard questions and explore his inspiration to write this biography; as well and miscellaneous details about Joseph Smith's life. Listen to the Bushman interview HERE. Buy Professor Bushman's book, Jospeh Smith: Rough Stone Rolling, by clicking here. LARRY SCOTT: Two-Time Mr. Olympia Winner
Hear our interview with Utahn Larry Scott, the two-time winner of the Mr. Olympia competition from 1965 - 1966 (also Mr. California, Mr. Idaho, Mr. America and Mr. Universe). He is acquainted with Arnold Schwarzenegger and was leader of the bodybuilding world in the 1960s. He discusses his career (and steroid use in the industry). Click HERE for the interview. Hear also a follow up interview with steroid expert William Llewellyn, author of the authoritative work Anabolics, by clicking HERE. Click HERE for inspirational words from another bodybuilding champ. ROMNEY 2008: Interview with Josh Romney, Eldest Son of Mitt Romney
Live interview with Josh Romney, eldest son of Mtt Romny, recorded during the 2008 Presidential primary cauci. We discuss Mitt's chances of carrying the seven largest early primaries in the U.S., with and without an evangelical running mate. We discuss voter reaction to Mitt's faith the South and Midwest. Interview begins at 2:14 after an interview with Rinehart's secret white house correspondent (a legislative director for a California U.S. congressman). Click HERE for the interview. SIM GILL 2006: Rinehart Interviews and Endorses Democrat Sim Gill for Salt Lake District Attorney
Steve Rinehart interviews and endorses democrat Sim Gill for Salt Lake District Attorney in 2006, who at the time was the underdog challenger to incumbent republican District Attorney Lohra Miller -- who had been endorsed by the Utah Attorney General. Because Rinehart previously also endorsed democrat Scott Matheson Jr. for governor in 2004 (his former law professor) against John Huntman Jr., as well as democrat Jim Winder for SLC Sheriff, some K-TALK listeners questioned whether Rinehart was as conservative as he claimed. Rinehart has only ever endorsed these three democrats for office -- although in 2016 he also interviewed and endorsed Darrell Castle of the Constitution Party in the U.S. Presdential Election against Donald Trump. Click HERE for the interview. DR. JOHN SORENSON: Precolumbian Contacts with the Americas?Date: 3/4/2006
INTERVIEW WITH DR. MICHAEL CREMODate: 8/15/2011 CHINESE AND RUSSIAN TACTICAL NUCLEAR WEAPONSApril 17, 2021 Radio Interview on K-TALK by Steven Rinehart with David Pyne, formerly with the U.S. Army Headquarters Staff and U.S. Missile Command. Dave is currently the Deputy Director of the National Task Force for EMP Operations. He has authored white papers for the Biden administration on Russian and Chinese nuclear capabilities and the potential reunification of Taiwan and Ukraine through war. Dave discusses national security mistakes with U.S. nuclear policy during the Bush administrations, Vladimir Putin, strategic nuclear weapons, and the existential dangers of an EMP attack or cyberattack to the U.S. Dave shares his historical perspectives on the Cold War, the Iron Curtain, and Russia-China Alliance. Click HERE for the interview. DEAD SEA SCROLLS, OXYRHYNCHUS, 7Q5, AND EARLY CHRISTIANITYDate: July 3, 2021 One hour live interview on K-TALK Radio with Professor James Charlesworth of the Princeton Theological Seminary, among the world's leading scholars on early Christianity and ancient languages (hosted by Steven Rinehart). Dr. Charlesworth discusses recent finds in biblical archaeology and extant papyri of the early gospels; his view of the 7Q5 fragment from the Dead Sea Scrolls; Oxyrhynchus; and extracononical biblical texts such as the Book of Enoch, Q source, and the Gnostic gospels. Hear brief commentary on his views on the great uncial codices, Origen, Mary Magdalene, Papias, Tacitus, Josephus, Constantine, and others -- as well as the message of Christianity to all. Interview conducted live on Saturday, July 3, 2021 on K-TALK Radio AM 1640, Salt Lake City, Utah. Click HERE for the interview. BRENT ASHWORTH AND ALLEN DALE ROBERTS INTERVIEWSDate: 1/25/2006 We interviewed Allen Dale Roberts, co-author of the Pullitzer nominated book Salamander: the Story of the Mormon Forgery Murders. The Hofmann forgeries and murders are among the most bizarre crimes in Utah and American history. Most authorities on the subject agree that Hofmann was the greatest forger caught. He forged not just countless Mormon historical documents, but also Emily Dickinson poems (sold to a museum and included in her anthologies), the Oath of the Freeman (nearly sold to the Library of Congress for $1.5 million), Egyptian Papyrus, coins, and currency. He was in process of forging other lost documents of earth shattering importance to Utahns when caught, such as the lost 116 pages of the Book of Mormon. We also interview Brent Ashworth, an attorney widely thought to be the target of Hofmann's third bomb, which detonated during transport in Hofmann's car and nearly killed him. Listen to Interview with Allen Roberts HERE (streams quickly after short pause . . . recording is fuzzy for a few minutes, but improves.) Listen to Interview with Brent Ashworth HERE (streams after 30 second loading delay). Purchase Salamander here.
UTAH POLITIAN INTERVIEWSDate: 2/14/2006 Click HERE to hear the gruelling two-hour interview with Utah Attorney General Mark Shurtleff. Hear an exhaustive discussion of Utah immigration law, including specifics about HB 144, HB 7, HB 179, state and federal jurisdiction, and the AG's personal and professional positions on the issue, including his recent speech (in Spanish) at Cinco de Mayo demonstrations over immigration. Click HERE to download the interview with Congressman Rob Bishop of the 1st U.S. Congressional District. We ask him about the Sensenbrenner Bill, the 14th Amendment, a wall, Article IV of the Constitution, and eliminating filibusters. For the Mayor Rocky Anderson interview click HERE (streaming audio after short pause). For former Salt Lake County Mayor Nancy Workman click HERE. For Counselman Eric Jergensen interview click HERE (streaming audio after short pause). For Chairman Dale Lambert interview click HERE (streaming audio after short pause). Click HERE for the interview with Representative Stephen Sandstrom of District 58. Click HERE for the John Jacob interview, republican challenger to Chris Cannon in the 3rd U.S. Congressional district. Click HERE for the Sim Gill interview, Democratic nominee for District Attorney in Salt Lake County. Click HERE for the Merril Cook interview, candidate for the 2nd U.S. Congressional District. Click HERE for the Ken Sumsion interview, republican candidate in House District 56. Click HERE for the Mark Jacobs interview, republican challenger to incumbent republican Sheryl Allen in House District 19. Click HERE for the Alex Segura and Pete Moesser debate, moderated on K-Talk, who are competing for the republican nomination in House District 33 along with Andrew Parker, against Neil Hendrickson, incumbent democrat. Click HERE for the Andrew Parker interview, with comments from Jim, the old republican nominee in the district in '94 and '96. |
UTAH SHALE OILDate: 3/25/2006Utah is said to have over 1 trillion barrels of oil in the form of oil shale. Will this shale, in Utah, Colorado, Wyoming and Arizona, which constitutues 70% of all the oil shale in the world, save the U.S. and meet its energy needs in the future? The Bureau of Land Management is giving out leases to energy companies that show themselves able to extract oil from this shale efficiently. We interview Jim Kohler, a senior BLM administrator, about these deposits and what they mean for Utah's future. Click HERE to hear the Jim Kohler interview (streams after breif loading delay). |
COLD FUSION: Hoax Since 1989?Date: 2/4/2006Cold fusion was widely thought to be a product of scientific fraud when announced by Professors Pons and Fleishman, of the University of Utah, in 1989, but new evidence may vindicate their claims. Ed Storms, who worked in Los Alamos National Laboratories in New Mexico for 34 years, comes on the program to talk about new research and developments in cold fusion. Why one of the most embarassing experiments of the 20th century may be one of the most promising experiments of the 21st. In 2004, the US Navy's Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center released findings from its own labs supporting cold fusion claims, and the US Patent and Trademark Office removed cold fusion from its incredible utility list. Cold fusion may provide an inexhaustible source of energy from water. Listen to show by clicking HERE (streams quickly after short pause). See Wired Magazine Article at: See technical information on cold fusion at: |
HOWARD HUGHES & THE WILL: Was it Authentic?Date: 5/20/2006 Click HERE for the Melvin Dummar interview, intended recipient of a portion of Howard Hughes' estate (loads after brief delay). Article on the Will: |
INTERVIEWS WITH UTAHANS OF NOTEHear interviews with Utahans who have accomplished amazing feats and who, in some cases, go unrecognized. We intend this to be a running series. Date: 10/10/2016 Date: 7/27/2006 Special thanks to the Utah Highway Patrol, Wasatch County and Summit County Sheriff's Offices for a job well done searching for the bodies of Catheryn and Steve Roundy in Strawberry Reservoir in November 2006. Hear from Captain Doug McCleve, of the Utah Highway Patrol, by clicking HERE. He commanded the dive team that recovered six bodies from the reservoir. Date: 2/5/2006 Click HERE to download the Dr. Daniel Rolph interview (streams after brief pause). Date: 2/5/2006 James Randi, of the Randi Foundation, is on the air with us discussing the mental disorders that plauge most conspiracy theorists, who he believes fundamentally are indistinguishable from those believe in ESP and UFOs. He is a famous magician and author, and friend of the late Carl Sagan. You can glimpse him in numerous films and documentaries (i.e. Swarzenegger's Last Action Hero). His foundation offers a $1 million reward to anyone who can prove under scientific conditions they possess extra-sensory powers. In the four decades the reward has been available, nobody has ever claimed it, or even passed the initial tests, though hundreds have applied. His applicants include those who believe they possess powers relating to telekenisis, telepathy, clairvoyance, astral projection, dowsing, and even bizarre concepts such as remote viewing in tin foil. Visit Dr. Randi foundation at:, where you can see a list of all the applicants for his million dollar challenge and the powers they claim to have. Click HERE to hear the interview with Dr. James Randi (streams after brief delay). Date: 4/19/2006 The Deseret Alphabet was a writing system used by the Mormons after arriving in Utah in 1847. It was an alternative to the standard English system, and incorporated Hebrew, Latin and Syrian characters. The Desert News (Utah's largest newspaper) was printed in the Deseret Alphabet for many years. Many books were translated into the Deseret Alphabet, including the Book of Mormon, along with several others works. The grave of John T. Morris in the Cedar City Cemetery is written in the Deseret Alphabet. It was used on Mormon currency, including bills and coins, but finally abandoned in 1877 after Brigham Young died and English became the language of default. It remains an historical oddity today. In this show we interview Kevin Baugh, head of a separatist group near Reno, Nevada that still uses it (the Republic of Molassia, see below). Click HERE for the interview with his 'Excellency" Kevin Baugh (loads after brief delay). Date: 2/17/2007 |
SETI: New Finds?Date: 8/15/2011 |